Educating Excellence: Mrs. Hancock's Website
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About Me
General Resources
For Students
For Teachers
Skills Support for All Classes
Teachers Websites and Wikis
8th grade SMS
Article of the Week (AoW)
Class Blogs
Advisory Blog
Period 1 SS Blog
Period 2 SS Blog
Period 4 SS Blog
Period 5 SS Blog
Period 7 SS Blog
Curriculum and Daily Lessons
Unit 1: First People and Exploration 2016
Unit 2: Colonialism and Independence 2016
Unit 3: The American Revolution 2016
Unit 4: Constitution & Early Republic 2016
Unit 5: Expansion and Reform
Socratic Seminar
Yearlong Timeline
8th grade Yearlong Projects
Past Classes and Curriculum
Reading Junior Scholastic Online... Speech to Text Tip!
7A Social Studies: Sacajawea Falcons
Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire and Religion
Disclosure Document
Enlightenment, Scientific Revolution and Exploration
Middle Ages
National History Day
Native American Societies
Renaissance and Reformation
WINGS Cultural Fair
World History Timeline and ZINE
6th grade Social Studies at KMCP
Unit 6: Ancient Europe
7th grade Social Studies (from Delta MS)
Unit 1: Personal Finance
Unit 2: Africa
Unit 3: Middle East
Unit 4: SE Asia and Australia
Unit 5: Central Asia
Unit 7: Europe Today
Final Project: House of Wax
8th grade Social Studies (from Delta MS)
Unit 1: Personal Finance
Unit 2: Colonialsim
Unit 3: Revolution
Unit 4: Constitution
Unit 5: S.S. Skills
Unit 6: National History Day
National History Day Examples
Unit 7: Growth and Expansion
Unit 8: Civil War
Unit 9: Reconstruction
FOCUS Class (from Delta MS)
Resources For Students
Washington DC Field Lesson
Scavenger Hunt
Writing Representatives
Professional Portfolio
Professional Resume
Letters of Recommendation
In the Media
Links to articles and websites are included below. Some news sites have updated their software, so I apologize for any technical difficulties.
Bozeman students bring history to life (February 2015)
DMS promotes recycling, celebrates Earth Day April 22
(April 2012)
DMS students advocate recycling center
- Letters to the Editor that my Student Council leaders wrote (April 2012)
Delta Middle School eighth graders are excited about history
(March 2012)
City is ready to join recycling effort
(Dec. 2011)
Recyclers look to county for support
(Nov. 2011)
McTeacher Night
- a fundraiser I organized for our 8th grade trip (Nov. 2011)
Arch Coal Foundation Makes Grants Totaling $10,000 to Delta County, Colorado Teachers
( Nov. 2011)
A whirlwind tour
- the 8th grade trip to Washington DC (July 2011)
DMS students pitch city recycling program
(April 2011)
DMS students propose city recycling program
(March 2011)
Educational trip planned
- written by one of my students (March 2011)
Arch Coal Foundation awards 23 innovative teaching grants
(Nov. 2010)
Writing contest winners
and recognition for the VFW Citizenship Teacher of the Year Award (Jan. 2010)
24 innovative teaching projects receive Arch Coal Foundation grants
(Nov. 2008)
Pictures in the slideshow below are courtesy of the Bozeman Chronicle.